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Do You Own an Auto Recon Business or a Job?

Auto Reconditioning BusinessThis post is will enlighten you if you already have an auto reconditioning business or thinking about owning one in the future such as; paintless dent removal, bumper repair, wheel n repair ect.

One thing we would like to get clear about is just because you know the technical part of the job, which is most likely doing the job, doesn’t qualify you as a business owner.  This is why most business’ fail within the first five years and 80% of them within the next five years. Of coarse you went into business for yourself to be your own boss but soon you might find out is, that you are becoming your own slave instead.

Making sure your business is organized and developed into a system is key. If you don’t have a system, you don’t have a business. The system runs the business and people run the system.

Take a moment and look on the outside of your auto reconditioning business. Does it have a system? A system where it can run itself that your customers can expect to get the same service every time they experience it?

How can you achieve this? Simple. Are you prepared to do a thorough business plan? Because if you haven’t at least written down how your business should run, then it will never run the way you intend it to. This is an unfortunate and true factor why small business’ fail in the first place. No direction, no achievements. If you have no written plan to count on, the only plan you will can count on, is not really owning a business at all, but owning a job instead.

We’ll talk more about a business plan later. So please feel free to comment if you’d like.

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